About Us

About Us

Since 1998 Delta Heavy Equip­ment has been the lead­ing full-line mater­i­al hand­ling dis­trib­ut­or in South Africa. Our suc­cess stems from our abil­ity to approach mater­i­al hand­ling needs from all dir­ec­tions. Rather than focus on one or two product lines, we spe­cial­ise in all facets of mater­i­al hand­ling. Cus­tom­ers bene­fit by hav­ing a single source for all their ware­hous­ing, stor­age and product hand­ling requirements.

From deliv­ery and after­mar­ket ser­vice and sup­port – we are the mater­i­al hand­ling experts. As spe­cial­ists in the mater­i­al hand­ling industry, we take a prac­tic­al approach toward increas­ing pro­ductiv­ity and redu­cing oper­at­ing costs for our cus­tom­ers. Delta Heavy Equip­ment is an import­er and dis­trib­ut­or of the fol­low­ing items:

  • Delta-Sol­id fork­lift tyres.

  • Delta Lift pal­let jacks and stackers.

  • Delta Lift range of coun­ter­bal­ance fork­lift trucks and ware­house equipment.

  • Massive range of fork­lift forks

  • Wheel rims and parts for vari­ous makes of fork­lift trucks.

Our cap­ab­il­ity to facil­it­ate all of South Africa’s mater­i­al hand­ling needs is unpar­alleled by any­one else in our industry.

DeltaLift Forklift
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