DeltaLift 5-10t diesel or gasoline forklift

Buy­ing Second Hand Forklifts

Buy­ing a used fork­lift can save you a lot of money, but there are some risks involved. If you buy the wrong machine or if it’s dam­aged in trans­port, you could end up los­ing a lot of money and time. How­ever, there are ways to mit­ig­ate those risks and make sure that your new fork­lift is in good con­di­tion before com­mit­ting to buy­ing it. This guide will show you how:

Check the fork­lift’s engine and transmission.

Check the engine oil level. The oper­at­or’s manu­al will provide spe­cif­ic instruc­tions, but in gen­er­al, you should check your forks’ engine oil level every time before you start work­ing. If it needs to be replaced, do so accord­ing to the man­u­fac­turer­’s spe­cific­a­tions and fill it back up with fresh fluid.

Check trans­mis­sion flu­id levels. If a fork­lift has an auto­mat­ic trans­mis­sion, it may or may not have a dip­stick for check­ing flu­id levels; ask your deal­er if you’re unsure about how to check for this par­tic­u­lar piece of equip­ment in ques­tion. If there is no dip­stick vis­ible on the side of the vehicle (or if it is miss­ing alto­geth­er), then you’ll need to ask someone who works at your loc­al deal­er­ship or retail store if they can help loc­ate one nearby so that you can use their shop as a ref­er­ence point when fig­ur­ing out what type of flu­id might work best with­in this par­tic­u­lar mod­el’s intern­al work­ings (many auto shops will have these tools available).

Here are some oth­er tips:

Check belts for wear — if there is any sign what­so­ever that they’ve been dam­aged dur­ing use (e., torn off), don’t con­sider buy­ing until those parts have been replaced! This includes check­ing wheth­er there are any cracks around pul­leys where belt ten­sion may have caused dam­age dur­ing nor­mal oper­a­tion — if so then don’t buy either because then chances are good there’ll be more prob­lems down the road too…just sayin’.

Check the lift chains.

Check the lift chains. Lift chains are the wires that con­nect the fork­lift’s forks to its lift mech­an­ism, and they can dam­age your ankles if they’re not in good con­di­tion. Make sure there is no wear or dam­age on them, as well as no rust or kinks, oil or grease leak­ing from them and no signs of dam­age to the chain itself.

Exam­ine the fork­lift’s tires.

Check the fork­lift’s tires. Tires are one of the most import­ant parts of a fork­lift and should be inspec­ted closely before pur­chas­ing. Here’s what to look for:

Tire pres­sure. Make sure that all four tires are prop­erly inflated and in good con­di­tion, as under­in­flated or worn-out tires can cause poor per­form­ance and even an acci­dent if they pop while you’re work­ing with them. An easy way to check this is by put­ting your thumb on top of the tire valve stem when you press down; it should feel firm but not hard enough that you would have trouble press­ing it against your thumb.

Tire tread depth (or wear”). A good rule of thumb is that if there is less than 1/32″ of tread left on a tire, then it needs to be replaced imme­di­ately because this means that there isn’t enough rub­ber present for prop­er grip and trac­tion on wet sur­faces like con­crete or asphalt — which could lead poten­tially dan­ger­ous situ­ations where vehicles slip out from under­neath oper­at­ors due to lack­a­dais­ic­al driv­ing habits. This also applies in reverse if there is more than 5/32″ worth sewn into each side; these kinds may per­form bet­ter on dry sur­faces like asphalt but be too aggress­ive for wet­ter cli­mates like rain forests where deep ruts may appear after heavy rains fall dur­ing mon­soon season.

Inspect the hydraul­ic hoses.

Hydraul­ic hoses are an import­ant part of your fork­lift’s hydraul­ic lift sys­tem. They allow the machine to oper­ate smoothly and safely, and they should be in good con­di­tion if you want to avoid poten­tial prob­lems down the road.

For example, hydraul­ic hoses can wear out over time — and when this hap­pens, it’s import­ant that you replace them as soon as pos­sible. If a hydraul­ic hose is leak­ing or cracked, for example, it could cause dan­ger­ous leaks that could harm work­ers or cause dam­age to oth­er parts of your forklift.

You should also inspect all oth­er com­pon­ents of your second hand fork­lift with care before buy­ing it; this includes look­ing at things like:

Inspect the fork­lift mast.

Check for cracks, dents and cor­ro­sion. The mast should be free of all dam­age, includ­ing wear and tear. Check that it is secured to the fork­lift and not bent at an angle or lean­ing to one side or another.

Test drive the forklift.

Test drive the used fork­lift. Our second piece of advice is to test drive the fork­lift before com­mit­ting to buy it. This will give you a good idea of how well it func­tions and can help you avoid any sur­prises later on in your own­er­ship. If pos­sible, try to find out how many hours are on the fork­lift before driv­ing it — this will give you a bet­ter idea about how much life remains in its engine and trans­mis­sion components.

Check for leaks. After driv­ing the fork­lift around for a bit, check for any leaks in its hydraul­ic hoses and oth­er flu­ids (like coolant) to make sure there aren’t any signs of past dam­age or neg­lect that may affect its func­tion now or down the road as well as poten­tially void­ing any war­ranty cov­er­age from man­u­fac­tur­ers since they may con­sider this kind of dam­age wear.” Also, check tire pres­sure reg­u­larly because this can also cause prob­lems over time due to side­wall wear caused by run­ning low-pres­sure tires too long under nor­mal load con­di­tions with no infla­tion changes occur­ring dur­ing use peri­ods between sched­uled main­ten­ance inter­vals which res­ults in less tread depth being present than ori­gin­ally inten­ded so more rub­ber mater­i­al has been worn away per mile driv­en thus lead­ing us back here again…


If you’re look­ing to buy a used fork­lift, there are a few things you can do to pro­tect your­self. The best way is to get an inspec­tion from a cer­ti­fied mech­an­ic who knows what they’re doing. They should be able to tell you if any­thing on the machine needs fix­ing, and might even be able to give advice about how much it would cost. If pos­sible, take them for a test drive! This will help ensure that everything works as advert­ised before com­mit­ting any money or time to make this pur­chase hap­pen. For more inform­a­tion about used fork­lifts for sale/ second hand fork­lifts for sale, please con­tact Delta Forklifts.

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